TruPay Blog

Download Free Ebook for HR Technology During Times of Crisis

Written by TruPay | Jan 14, 2021 5:21:59 PM

At the start of what we thought was a temporary set back in the beginning of 2020, HR managers across the globe scrambled to develop practices that kept employees not only healthy and safe, but allowed organizations to maintain operations as close to normal as possible. Since the start of last year, we've all come to know that the COVID-19 pandemic is here to stay, at least for now. The shift in focus since last year has been to not only develop strategies that maintain compliance with health and safety standards, but strategies that are sustainable outside of initial emergency response. A new branch of organizational focus has quickly become a staple and core focus for HR personnel.

In the eBook below titled The Complete Playbook for HR Technology During Times of Crisis, discover how to build sustainable and deliberate policies that will safeguard the operations of your organization as well as your human capital.